3 Sept 2014

Reflective Wednesday

It's not very often for me to just sit down and write a 'spur of the momement' blog, but today I had imaginative and creativity pouring out my finger tips, and was in a reflective mood, thinking back on how different my life was this time last year. Looking back at how quick these past 9 months have gone is astonishing, I mean it's setpetember now, autumn is upon us and this year is flowing by, too fast for us to grab or to even hold onto.  

However, if I'm completely honest, I don't think I've accomplished and done anything really this year that I can say I'm truly proud of. Which is sad really. 2014 hasn't been my year, I give you that. I've had a lot more downs than ups this year, and that's no way I wanted to live my life this year. The sad truth is that, I let too many peoples opinions of me and of what I've done get to me, I believed the lies and the rumours that they created and told of me. It really put me down, and pushed my self esteem way down, to the point where I didn't want to leave my room or go to college. 

Rumours and gossip can be a cruel cruel thing, that we will all have to go through as some point in our life. A cruel game society likes to play on us, to test our inner strength and resistance. 

Reflecting back on the past year, a year filled with pain, tears, rumours, gossip, laughs, giggles and love, I can tell you that it does get better. That the pain or hurt that you feel right now will slowly but surely disappear and you'll remember what it's like to feel happy again. Trust me, the most important lesson I've learnt this year is patience. Be patient, wait for it, you're time will come, the pain will fade and you will come through the other side a much stronger and independent human being. 

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